“Brilliant things happen in calm minds. Be calm. You're brilliant.” – Unknown


Everyone is born with a unique and invaluable gift. It is our life mission to discover this gift and use it to unleash our full potential. However, this isn’t easy. Everyday stress, low confidence, lack of motivation and poor mental wellbeing often get in the way.

After a decade in the making, Synctuition launched the first virtual spa for deep relaxation and self-improvement. This unparalleled tool helped millions of people worldwide. However, throughout this journey, we realized we needed to take the next big step towards radically transforming the future of mental wellbeing. The result? MindSpa: the world’s first social network for optimal mental wellbeing.

More than an app, MindSpa is a revolutionary program for achieving mental clarity, finding your life purpose and boosting everyday happiness. This is possible thanks to an unparalleled combination of sound relaxation technology and several engaging features, which have been created to have positive and long-lasting effects.

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